PCS White Paper

PCS After Call Survey

Drive Excellence with Caller Feedback

Maximizing Mitel

Product Summary

  • Collect caller feedback to enhance customer service.
  • Streamline caller responses with ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) and Recorded Comments.
  • Analyze survey results for agent training using summary and detailed reports.

Product Description

  • Opt-In: The system prompts callers with an option to participate in the after-call survey. The Opt-in choice is hidden from the agent.
  • Survey: The agent clicks the “Call Complete” button to automatically transfer the caller to the survey. If either party prematurely terminates the call, the system immediately calls back and presents the survey.
  • Responses: Callers complete the survey by speaking their selections using ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) or touch-tone keypad entries. Responses are validated and stored in the survey database.
  • Reporting: Reports are available within the PCS Reporting Portal, with the ability to view survey results by queue and agent.

Product Requirements

  • Works with MiVoice Business, MiVoice Connect 14.2 and above.
  • Contact Center required for MiVoice Business.

Product Enhancement Options

  • Email Alerts: Email alerts are triggered when a survey response is below a threshold. The email recipients and thresholds are configurable.
  • Audio Comments: Callers can leave Audio Comments at the end of the survey. Recording links are provided in the reporting interface.
  • Transcription: Transcription of the Audio Comments is supported with Rev AI.
  • Multi Language Support: Survey is presented in the language selected for the call.

Call Flow

Enhance customer service by collecting caller feedback with PCS. Utilize ASR and recorded comments to streamline responses, analyze survey results for agent training, and generate detailed reports. Features include opt-in prompts, automatic survey transfers, ASR or touch-tone responses, email alerts, audio comments with transcription, and multi-language support.

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