Developers Attended CodeMash 2014


Developers Jay Holliday and Kevin Stowe recently attended CodeMash 2014 in Sandusky, Ohio. CodeMash is a yearly conference geared towards educating developers on cutting edge technologies, new features, and existing technologies. “It’s my favorite learning opportunity of the year, a great value and it’s put together by a fabulous group of volunteers” noted Jay.

This year, 2,000 people were in attendance to learn more about development technologies. They included CSS, JavaScript, Windows 8 app store API, jQuery, Durandal and Visual Studio, just to name a few. The workshop sessions discussed working with D3.js, Microsoft Mobile Services, making websites accessible to people with disabilities, responsive web development, and modern testing environments. Kevin commented, “I look forward to researching some of the technologies I learned about, and putting them to use in our own customs.”